About the brigade

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Encourages diversity, team work and a family atmosphere. It involves itself in community projects. It has a broad age group and new members are most welcome. Email: goornongcfa@gmail.com

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oaks Day at Axedale

Sunday 22nd May is not usually associated with Oaks Day or for that matter Axedale (Region 2). However for 14 female fire fighters maybe there was some similarity.

A number of neighbouring brigades in Region 2 have for sometime been trying to organise a “ladies” training day, to recognise growing number of female operational members of Axedale and its neighbouring brigades. The day provided an opportunity to meet and discuss issues relating to female operational membership of brigades and engage in a number of training exercises. The brigades involved were Axedale, Junourton, Mosquito Creek and Goornong.
The day also included a presentation by the Peer Support Group (CISM) from Loddon Mallee Region.
Comments from the day showed the overwhelming success and benefits of organising this type of activity. Below are some of the comments;

“…the Peer Support lady gave a great relaxed presentation - she talked about support offered and the importance of this type of day to broaden friendships and confidence. For example she said that if we get called out to a campaign fire, then linking up with another lady that you have met here will make things easier........especially when we need to go to the loo in pairs!”

“…the day gave me the confidence to not hide behind the blokes (because they know how to do it....!!!!) but to step up and have a go. It also made me feel proud to be "One of the experienced ones" amongst the crew, and to actually step forward and show a few tricks of the trade. “

“.. I was also filled with pride and appreciation as Tim McCrohan (incoming Captain) described the growing female membership and the important role we play in the future of the brigade.”

“..the day was filled with learning and laughter and we all agreed that this should become a regular event.”

“…Highlight of the day was seeing Teish soaked and covered in mud with a grin from ear-to-ear after a fun-filled hose aiming skill game!”

A number of the more experienced members stepped up to take a mentoring role with the less experienced members and it was a pleasure to watch others shine after being involved in the day.

Activities for the day were varied and full of laughter and new friendships. The days training activities included important training exercises such as using the quick fill, floating collar tanks, draughting from overhead sources, hose and pump operation. Tim demonstrated the “clinker” from the Gilmac fire and talked about “preserving the scene”.
A big thankyou must go to the Axedale Brigade who organised the day and the trainers for the day – Peter Harkins (Axedale), Tim McCrohan – (Goornong), James Hickson – (Woodvale) and the LMR CISM team.
Final word for the day goes to Felicity

“..The day was bloody brilliant. Lots of great knowledge shared with a nice mix of giggle with Tim doing a great job describing our support for women in our brigades.”

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

65 Roses Day – 27 May 2011 'Seize the Day'

65 Roses Day – 27 May 2011
'Seize the Day'

As most of you are aware we have supported the Cystic Fibrosis Support Group in Bendigo over the last couple of years. May 27th is 65 Roses Day. The day hopes to raise awareness, understanding and support for the many sufferes of this condition. So anyone who reads our blog, I would urge you to visit the CF site find out about CF and donate to this worthwhile cause. The links are;
visit www.65rosesday.org.au or www.cfv.org.au
Captain Dave

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunday 1st May marked the completion of the latest group completing minimum skills. 14 recruits became accredited - 8 of which were from Goornong.

The exciting thing is that of these 8 members - 6 are local farmers from our district.

With the completion of minimum skills we have 3 members with a total of 90 years experience in the CFA returned to the brigade, Peter and Kevin Howard and Ed English. Their knowledge and experience will be fantastic for the brigade.

On the day 2 of our trainers were also assessed.

This is the second minimum skills course we have run through Goornong in the last 18 months. This has helped increase our ranks by 16, and the courses have produced 28 volunteers in this 18 months.

It has been alot of hard work and special thanks to the following people - Dave Patterson, Denis Crowe, Tim McCrohan, Phil Challis (Bullengarook), Ewan Paton (Huntly) Andrew and Peter Polwarth (Bendigo).

Congratulations again to all involved.

Goornong now has over 40 accredited minimal skills fire fighters on our books...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Time to Change Your Batteries!!!!

Now Daylight savings has come to an end please don't forget to change the batteries on your smoke detectors!!!
Remember only a working smoke detectors can save lives....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lifting of the Fire Danger Period

Well I guess its no surprise that there has been an announcement by the Chief Officer that a declaration ending the Fire Danger period has been announced. Officially the Fire Danger period will end at 1.00 pm on 7th March. I would still like to caution people that even with the rain we have seen a number of fires, exhibiting quite drastic fire behaviour. There is an added dimension for us as fire fighters in trying to contain fires on saturated paddocks and the real possibility of bogging fire trucks. So I urge everyone to exercise caution when burning off or using equipment outdoors. This brings me to my next concern and that is the increase in structure fires around the region so I would urge everyone to check there smoke detector. If anyone is not sure how please contact one of the brigade members and we will arrange for it to be checked.

Our new fire station is taking shape and going up quite rapidly. At the moment we expect to have the official opening in June or July and the Goornong community will be invited to celebrate with us on that occasion.

Thursday 3rd March marks the first night of our 2nd minimum skills course, with 8 people from Goornong participating. The course is designed to provide the skills needed to become an operational fire fighter and is extremely pleasing to see our ranks increasing with this and the last course we ran. Thank you to everyone who has put up their hands many of you have been active members in the past. It is also fantastic to see the increasing number of female and young people wishing to participate. Good luck to you all.

During May Elmore brigade will be celebrating a milestone in their history. More details will be posted as we have them but I am sure that everyone will join the Goornong Brigade in congratulating Elmore on its achievement.

Lastly I have been advised by the Bendigo Council that a Green waste collection bin has been put in the transfer station compound. At this point I have no further detail but will post information as I receive it.


Captain Dave

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Who'll stop the rain and other song title's

Well December and January have come and gone with little fire activity in the Goornong assignment area (no great surprise really) and I was wondering if we perhaps should rename ourselves to the Goornong Coast Guard or Goornong CFA boat flotilla. We have had a number of call outs which have been for assistance with flood relief and a number of our volunteers have been on standby should they be needed for flood assistance. Up to this point we have not been used in that role but I would like to take this opportunity to thank not only all those that put up their hand but also to those that stayed around in case they were needed on home soil. Thankfully though most of the Goornong community has been spared major structraul damage, although I suspect a few crops and public assets have not been so lucky. Here are a couple of pictures of the Campaspe River and the Barnadown bridge damage. The Barnadown bridge damage did not become evident till many days after the flood water so it is a timely warning that even though the flood has dissipated there may be some delayed damage.


The brigade elections are coming up in April and I would urge all members to consider who they would like on the management team and forward the nominations to Flic before the March meeting. Our next minimum skill course will commence in March and its pleasing to see we have another 8 participants from the Goornong brigade. This is a fantastic effort and I have no doubt they will be a great asset to our brigade and the community. One last comment - Please be aware of the speed restriction and speed camera on the Bagshot Rail crossing. I have it on good authority that these are now fully functional.  All brigade vehicles (whether code 1, code 3 or weekly test) must comply with the signed speed limit.