Sunday 22nd May is not usually associated with Oaks Day or for that matter Axedale (Region 2). However for 14 female fire fighters maybe there was some similarity.
A number of neighbouring brigades in Region 2 have for sometime been trying to organise a “ladies” training day, to recognise growing number of female operational members of Axedale and its neighbouring brigades. The day provided an opportunity to meet and discuss issues relating to female operational membership of brigades and engage in a number of training exercises. The brigades involved were Axedale, Junourton, Mosquito Creek and Goornong.
The day also included a presentation by the Peer Support Group (CISM) from Loddon Mallee Region.
Comments from the day showed the overwhelming success and benefits of organising this type of activity. Below are some of the comments;
“…the Peer Support lady gave a great relaxed presentation - she talked about support offered and the importance of this type of day to broaden friendships and confidence. For example she said that if we get called out to a campaign fire, then linking up with another lady that you have met here will make things easier........especially when we need to go to the loo in pairs!”
“…the day gave me the confidence to not hide behind the blokes (because they know how to do it....!!!!) but to step up and have a go. It also made me feel proud to be "One of the experienced ones" amongst the crew, and to actually step forward and show a few tricks of the trade. “
“.. I was also filled with pride and appreciation as Tim McCrohan (incoming Captain) described the growing female membership and the important role we play in the future of the brigade.”
“..the day was filled with learning and laughter and we all agreed that this should become a regular event.”
“…Highlight of the day was seeing Teish soaked and covered in mud with a grin from ear-to-ear after a fun-filled hose aiming skill game!”
A number of the more experienced members stepped up to take a mentoring role with the less experienced members and it was a pleasure to watch others shine after being involved in the day.
Activities for the day were varied and full of laughter and new friendships. The days training activities included important training exercises such as using the quick fill, floating collar tanks, draughting from overhead sources, hose and pump operation. Tim demonstrated the “clinker” from the Gilmac fire and talked about “preserving the scene”.
A big thankyou must go to the Axedale Brigade who organised the day and the trainers for the day – Peter Harkins (Axedale), Tim McCrohan – (Goornong), James Hickson – (Woodvale) and the LMR CISM team.
Final word for the day goes to Felicity
“..The day was bloody brilliant. Lots of great knowledge shared with a nice mix of giggle with Tim doing a great job describing our support for women in our brigades.”