About the brigade

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Encourages diversity, team work and a family atmosphere. It involves itself in community projects. It has a broad age group and new members are most welcome. Email: goornongcfa@gmail.com

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lifting of the Fire Danger Period

Well I guess its no surprise that there has been an announcement by the Chief Officer that a declaration ending the Fire Danger period has been announced. Officially the Fire Danger period will end at 1.00 pm on 7th March. I would still like to caution people that even with the rain we have seen a number of fires, exhibiting quite drastic fire behaviour. There is an added dimension for us as fire fighters in trying to contain fires on saturated paddocks and the real possibility of bogging fire trucks. So I urge everyone to exercise caution when burning off or using equipment outdoors. This brings me to my next concern and that is the increase in structure fires around the region so I would urge everyone to check there smoke detector. If anyone is not sure how please contact one of the brigade members and we will arrange for it to be checked.

Our new fire station is taking shape and going up quite rapidly. At the moment we expect to have the official opening in June or July and the Goornong community will be invited to celebrate with us on that occasion.

Thursday 3rd March marks the first night of our 2nd minimum skills course, with 8 people from Goornong participating. The course is designed to provide the skills needed to become an operational fire fighter and is extremely pleasing to see our ranks increasing with this and the last course we ran. Thank you to everyone who has put up their hands many of you have been active members in the past. It is also fantastic to see the increasing number of female and young people wishing to participate. Good luck to you all.

During May Elmore brigade will be celebrating a milestone in their history. More details will be posted as we have them but I am sure that everyone will join the Goornong Brigade in congratulating Elmore on its achievement.

Lastly I have been advised by the Bendigo Council that a Green waste collection bin has been put in the transfer station compound. At this point I have no further detail but will post information as I receive it.


Captain Dave